There's a good chance we'd be friends...
I'm Harry.
I'm a big fan of creating content and sharing it with others. I have above average energy levels, and I love being silly. (I'm good at being serious too... it's just not as fun)
What I Do:
Write children's books
Build software (Ruby)
Own two software startups
Invest in small businesses & real estate
Stand up comedy
Improv comedy
'Play' piano
Teach myself new skills
What I Like:
Chicken parm
What I Don't Like:
Bad smells
Olives (I'll eat them on pizza or nachos though)
If you like or do any of the same stuff as me, reach out and let's talk...
Maybe we can collaborate on a project, or maybe you can illustrate a children's book!
If you like things that I don't like, or I like things that you don't like, then reach out and let's talk...
I love having my mind changed!
And yes, people tell me I look like Freddie Mercury all the time...
I'm cool with it.